Family ties. . . an adoption story

The Final Chapter
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This is my beautiful "found" daughter, Allie
This is a dedication to the baby girl that I never got to hold.  Allison Kerr.  
I became pregnant at an early age and my dad made me put her up for adoption, claiming I was "too young" for a baby.
A friend of my dad's knew a family that couldn't have any children, despite several attempts, she would end up miscarrying the baby.  So, I opted for them to raise this life that I was carrying.  They promised to give her love and she wouldn't want for anything.
I always kept posted that she was doing "fine" and "didn't want for anything".
She turned 21 on February 15, 2003 and I remember sitting here at my computer screen balling my eyes out,  pleading with the Lord to have her contact me, since she was 'of age'.  The void I had carried with me all those years had seemed to get greater yet.  But how, I didn't have a clue.
When a mother puts up a child, there is a void in her life beyond words.  My own birthmother stated the same thing in our LIFETIME TV interview.  I knew (from experience) exactly what she was feeling.
On Sunday, March 9, 2003, my phone rang and was Nell, the mutual friend of the family that adopted my oldest daugther and myself.  She informed me I was a grandmother!  My grandson was born 2/1/03 @ 9:40 pm weighed: 6lb 4 oz.
I cried my heart out.  I was so happy yet sad at the same time.
Then, I received another call from Nell on March 12, 2003 that, Allison wanted to meet me!    Oh my!  Did the tears start again, they didnt' seem to stop.  How does one carry around all that water in their body anyway?!  (grin)
Allie and I started talking on the phone and sending email messages back and forth.  I scanned as many pictures as I could for her.
The Lord blessed us with a meeting on April 15 2003.  She was so beautiful!  I cried when I first held her as that was the first time I had.  EVER.
My grandson was just as beautiful.   I cried when I had to leave, felt like leaving her all over again.
I can only hope/pray that we get to spend some more time together, soon.
Some how, some way, The Lord really has blessed me with each and every one of my hearts desires.  I sure don't feel worthy of His blessings.
Now, keep the faith up and keep me posted if you get a reunion!
My Grandson

Reunion of siblings


Gabriel-One month old

Another reunion pic

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